I think you might mean $4 trillion in assets rather than $4 billion. 😉

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Growth in quality of life not growth in consumption, please.

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Doughnut Econ is a cool visual concept, and a zillion times better sales phrase than degrowth - IMHO


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This is such an important and informative newsletter! Thank you for all your great work! Personally, I am moving next year to the east coast to buy a home and to be able to better afford my living expenses (because the western U.S. is just basically pollution and skyrocketing inflation). That said, one of the benefits of my move is that I will use part of my spendable income to include at the top of my priority list a paid subscription to your wonderful site. My University of California Retirement system has divested from oil and gas, and I hope many other pension plans follow in their example!

Any thoughts on Univ. of CA's recent cold fusion success? (Queried by a staunch in-the-trenches antinuclear activist willing to explore cold fusion as an environmental answer, potentially - or so the claim goes...)

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Bill,, this link doesn't seem to work -

Robert Brulle and Christian Downie have an ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL NEW PAPER

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With all due respect for those whose hard work brought this about, it may be nothing more than an aversion to funding soon-to-be-stranded assets.

You gotta give them credit for turning this into a PR opportunity.

So much more is needed, but I think each board member should get a cookie.

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I retweeted Lander's thread, and was very happy to do it.

There was a new, very interesting sounding development in batteries, which I will forward to you.

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