Apr 25, 2023Liked by Bill McKibben

I wrote my first high school research paper on environmental pollution in 1961. I kept expecting the adults to fix things....

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Bill McKibben

WOW! A THOUSAND THUMBS UP! That is the best news I have read in a DECADE!

The Hydrocarbon Hellspawn DID THE Clean Energy Inventions suppressing, Climate Trashing, human health depleting CRIME. Since they have ALWAYS BEEN liars and conscience free crooks , they are trying to AVOID DOING THE TIME or PAYING THE FINE! Don't let them get away with it! Pass it on!

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IT’S PAYBACK TIME for the sins of their fathers, and CEASE AND DESIST for CEOs and Boards Of Directors.

But the reality is Oil & Gas won’t have sufficient [declining] profits as they wind down nor useable assets to liquidate to fund the damages they have caused—and will continue to cause—by virtue of the trillions of tons of atmospheric 'sewage' that will continue to drive extreme weather events, rising seas and accelerating destruction and depletion of biodiversity on land and in the oceans.

Rather than cash settlements that would bankrupt Oil & Gas, let’s push to Bit.ly/nation_oil_ize the industry and strategically force them to #RetireRefineries #TwoPerWeek under strategically planned “command and control” of the complicated logistics as they pay to physically #RemoveCO2 and #RemoveCH4 associated with future crude, fuel, plastics and chemical production and refining TIMES TWO (2X) to account for past legacy emissions, as well as dismantle and detox the entire infrastructure, (refineries, pipelines, wells, and other equipment) and restore sites and landscapes.

Please pay close attention to the not-so-subtle messages in the words of Kim Stanley Robinson, Sir David King and David Borlace:

Bit.ly/DaveStanGeoSCW (1:47:12 - 2:15:00)


This would be truly JUST PAY BACK, IMHO

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Hi Bill,

This was great news buried under another story--thank you for writing about it.

Want to flag a small typo for you:

that Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMs) b failed to capture every significant pollution event detected with Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) cameras. Our observations suggest that the company is misrepresenting the capabilities of its technology – a concern echoed in the testimony we gathered from several industry experts – and the underlying data behind certified gas.

There's a random letter 'b' after (CEMs) to take out.

Hope this helps.


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Great article. It will be interesting to see what happens next in these suits.

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I'm wondering what the vote count was.

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The decision was 7-1. Alito recused himself due to his fossil fuel investments, and the beer bong guy dissented.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

As the severity of the threats increase, so should the monetary penalties of these greedy companies run by greedy people who evidently don't give a damn about anything that doesn't pad their wallets. And since the profits went to those greedy, wealthy CEO's and corporate people, they need to cough up the money when the companies go bankrupt, which they will whether or not they are.

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Just wanted to share the following poem I wrote in honor of our mother.


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i'd love to read it but can't open it--i'm bill.mckibben@gmail.com

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I will try in my little pea brain to figure out how to share it. Lol.

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I just emailed it.

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Buried in the rhetoric is the fact that the Supreme Court sent it back to the States. The only hope of the plaintiffs would be to somehow drag this into court in front of 12 people who know nothing about Attribution studies. It all hinges on actual damages that hypothetically could have been avoided by avoiding hypothetical climate change. It's a Hail Mary for sure.

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There are a few problems here. First is that you could not decide this without the mother of all Attribution studies. Such technology was not available in the 20th century and, when it comes to floods, it is not available now. The second would be that the main driver of flood damage is building in the way of floods. So who approved all that construction? If Attribution fails (as it must), we are left with asking who is responsible for predictable flood damage? I'd love to buy a piece of the counter-suit.

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