I moved to France last spring, and I don't have a car. I just love the excellent public transportation in this country. It's such a joy to not have a car and to relax on a bus or a train to go wherever I want to go. Yes -- no car = happiness.

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Like San Francisco when I lived there 45 years ago. Fare was cheap, and the buses and streetcars went everywhere.

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Eventually Trump is going to have to listen to the titans of industry (and big agriculture) that don't want tarriffs, don't want to see wage increases due to lack of immigrant and 1st generation labor market shrinkage,don't want on and off regulations that discombobulate markets they rather see hold steady. And if he tries to break up labour strikes his popularity will fade with the public. I see rough seas if Trump does stupid acts while in power. Get your pitch folks ready to run him out of Washington citizens🎅

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But I'm still holding to my happy fantasy, that Trump is so unpredictable he may convert to lord-high apostle of environment and bring his whole adoring cult of MAGA worshippers along with him. Don't wake me, till this dream comes true.

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This could happen. Texas is heavily invested in renewable energy, and is earning money off of investments by less sunny or windy locations. I'm sure they don't want to see the tax credits from those investments come to an end.

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I really like your dream…

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Again read Paul Street

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Read some Paul Street commentary. He's real good of explaining this dilemma.

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Just saying

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In LNG point 2, I think you mean Europe needs 'less not more'

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Was going to write the same thing. Otherwise, I'm confused.

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thank you both

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really means i need more editing, not less...

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Great post Bill. Another doable climate reduction would be to re-introduce public transit as it existed in large communities in the first half of the twentieth century. At that time public transit, whether street cars or buses ran in straight lines along every major city. They didn't detour through neighborhoods like school buses. People actually 'walked' a block or two to the nearest stop. Yes, on their feet. As a teenager I walked two miles to catch a streetcar which ran every three minutes from 6AM to 10AM, to get to high school. Elementary school was less than a mile away. Guess what? It neither crippled nor killed me. My father had a car, but unless he needed it for business he too, took public transit.

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I support this 100%, to slow down the LNG rush.

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You Know Who You Are: Your House Still Draped in MAGA Banners, Red Hat Firmly on Your Head, and Truck Plastered with Trump Stickers

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So many interesting and imperative stories this week.

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Oh gawd, those cars are SO ugly! What a sin! Thank you Bill for keeping us up to date. Delay and disrupt looks like our best option. Here in rural Iowa that's going to be tough...but if you have any places to lead us to I'd appreciate it. (Already in with Working Families Party and that bunch.) Meanwhile I'm educating the public best I can on how we can grow high value perennial crops in the middle of the Corn Belt. Thank you for your ongoing inspiration!

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The picture looks like a sunset which reminds me that I wanted to ask if you are familiar with Make Sunsets

I have been purchasing cooling credits from them to offset my carbon footprint. SAI seems to make sense to me.

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Thanks for the hopeful news!

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Another excellent piece, Bill. The Crucial Years should be required reading for everybody in the U.S. who cares about protecting a livable planet.

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Slowing down on ln gas will lead to Europe outbidding usa for it. your energy prices will increase dramatically therefore. Trust me Europe will bid whatever it costs or we will freeze.

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Informative -- wow!

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Trump only knows tariffs, hatred of the "deep state" (which he uses daily) and oil. End of knowledge

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