A day, a week, a month...without buying anything from any of these corporations. Drop our credit cards, cancel Prime, Disney channel, strike in front of Walmart. Protest all of these snake haired behemoths. The code is red, the floods are rising...last night people in the Bronx died of a floods!! Can we organize this kind of action? Let's try!!

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The perfect spirit. It's hard because the targets are so numerous; I think at ThirdAct we're going to follow the lead of the youth climate movement and, as the autumn wears on, mount a campaign against the banks that are funding the fossil fuel enterprise. Gotta start somewhere! for reference purposes, a video of our Chase Bank protests--just getting started when the pandemic short-circuited it all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3MKcYUUHxw

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As a ThirdAct girl myself, I am thrilled you started this movement for "experienced" people. Some of us have bundles of money we can switch from the banks with the Drop Dead message on their books to banks ready to get onboard and preserve life on this planet. I look forward to working with Third Act and joining my peers in strong collective nonviolent action. We can't wait a minute longer. Thank you for all you do, Bill. I don't know how you manage the organizing AND writing. And now a novel!!

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No time to waste! and many thanks for being involved in all of this--you clearly get the idea right away

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I hope to hear from ThirdAct soon and get started!!

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Let's organize....take out full page ads in Sunday papers calling out the Corporations!

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Fellow readers of this newsletter, contact your Congressperson and Senators and tell them to vote yes on the Reconciliation Bill.

It’s easier to do than you think. I use resistbot, which allows me via text message, to compose a message to my representatives on the Hill. Resistbot sends the message via email or fax for me. If there is a really important piece of legislation that is causing a lot of people to contact their lawmakers and overwhelm the phone lines, resistbot still gets your message through. My senators and congressman have responded to the correspondence that I’ve send using resistbot, so I know it works.

It’s free, or you can contribute $5/month (which is what I do). It takes 5 minutes tops to use resistbot. You can do it while waiting in line, waiting for your food to heat up in the microwave, waiting on hold while calling customer service, etc. You can even do it while sitting on your toilet.

And contact your lawmakers on more than just the reconciliation bill. Contact them for any piece of environmental legislation. Contact them to tell them that they aren’t doing enough and to stop cow-towing to big oil.

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Very good suggestions!

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