Woohoo! This is indeed a victory for the climate, economy, jobs, ushering out the fossil fuel industry whether they want to or not. This is brilliant and Bill I hope you come up with more elegant solutions to work around those stuck in the fossil fuel era. It's amazing to do something so powerful that doesn't require an endless fight in Congress. Thank you!

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we can all work towards a DC where ideas don't go to die!

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Yeah-Haa!! I wrote that letter to the President espousing your idea, Bill! I'm so happy that this had an impact -- now let's keep going forward!!

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Just had a heat pump installed three weeks ago.

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Excellent news, Bill. Once again your knack for crystallizing targets—both the problems and the solutions—empowers others, including presidents, to climate action. Onward indeed! Bill Muth Third Act VA.

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This is AWESOME. Thanks for spearheading this movement - Margaret Mead was write - again :).

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Thank YOU, Bill McKibben!

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well holy crap. great news.

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I am so happy for you!

I thought about you immediately when I heard the news. Reading your memoir, "The Flag, the Cross and the Stationwagon" right now, and this, this is exactly what it's going to take. It's what Bob Massie called for when he said to "turn your outrage into action." You do that every single day. Between you two, you give me reason to hope again, to have faith again, a reason to keep up the good fight, to, as John Lewis said, "make good trouble." Those things have been difficult for me to come by in the past six months or so, so thank you.

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OUTSTANDING!!!! Bill, thank you once again for your fabulous leadership!!!

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On we go!

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It's the wins that keep us going. Thanks, Bill.

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This truly is a big victory! And those have been very rare in my 10 years as a climate activist. I am deeply happy!

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Thanks for being a part of it!

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Holy crap, indeed! Hallelujah. A twinkling of hope. Shall we go for an e-bike DPA next? :-) https://www.climateaction.center/ebike

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I want everyone to realize that Heat Pumps need phase 2. By going to ground source, the AC doesn't contribute to heat islands, and runs cheaper. See Massachusetts approach


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Great news. It is important that it is designed as part of a defense effort IMHO

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Awesome to come up with a solution that can and did find a quick path to fruition! We already had a heat pump and geothermal system (works well!) and are getting solar panels installed today!

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