Thanks for the courageous outspokenness, Bill. Fossil fuel companies are the greatest obstacle to survival on this planet, and we need to start treating them accordingly.

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"It measures everything in short except that which makes life worthwhile."

Thanks for this piece Bill in this sad, alarming summer. The polluters have long used their money to corrupt our politics, conspired to hide the nature and extent of the damage their actions have caused and shift political disasters of their making to their advantage. Who needs conspiracy theories when they're all in plain sight.

Let's support Brad Lander's courage (and the good fight continued by Gore, Markey, Sunrise, the climate movement). Let's show some sympathy for Bobby who did a lot of good work for a long time and has lost his way.

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Fossil fuels are turning this planet into a soon-to-be uninhabitable horror. It is clear Blackrock, Larry Fink and his ilk are perfectly happy to retreat to their bunkers as the rest of us succumb to cooked internal organs. They are truly too blinded by their money and power to see that ultimately the planet will take them down, too. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/circumstantial-evidence

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Hey Bill, thank you so much for all of the work you do for the human race. You have woken so many up to the state of the world and it's been a joy to read your work.

Do you have any recommended short reading for common people to reference in every day climate discussions with naysayers and others? I often wish I had a bullet point list of 10 material facts that expose the dire nature of our situation, or something similar, to help form concise arguments in discussions. If you don't have any recommended reading, do you think that is something you might possibly help with? I think it could be very effective for your readers to have in their tool belts relating to the climate crisis. Thank you!!

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I've always been a big admirer of Mr. McKibbon. But...like so many "liberals", in my eyes, he's disgraced himself by linking to this hit piece on RFK Jr. I've come to believe now that most of the so-called progressive community is a bunch of self righteous idiots. RFK Jr. is NOT an anti-semite. And any allusions to the contrary, propagated by people like McKibbon are disgusting. I'm done with you Bill!

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Focusing on RFK Jr. misses the point of the article. The guy is unhinged. I completely agree, the Dems are falling far short on climate and environment. I have been highly critical of Biden and his actions on more than one occasion.


The East Palestine Ohio crash is a horror, that seems to have disappeared from the news, typical. Both parties swim in oil money. Attacking a good guy like Bill is hardly useful. That's self-immolation.

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Can I be frank? The activist community has done an excellent job explaining the science, but we have fallen short on marketing the planet saving better solutions. And people respond to marketing. That’s why the cigarette companies were able to sell Doctors touting the health benefits of cigarettes. So much for do no harm. And to quote Logan Roy in Succession, “I love you, but you are not serious people.” Let’s work with that. You know what’s sexy, renewable energy, you know what’s the most unsexy thing on earth…fossil fuels. Surely, we can sell this. When you give people all the stats, they are actually repelled by them. And frozen with fear. How about we get the best minds in advertising to come up with an ad campaign that’s clever and hip and (dare I say it) maybe even fun. And definitely sexy. Okay, gotta get back to my day job, selling solar energy. One roof at a time. And that we take serious.

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"Lander can move that business and it will hurt Blackrock; and his words will at least be heard in the din of Wall Street."

"Can move" but will they? As he said himself, actions speak louder than words. I hope so as that will, as you say, be heard!

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We cannot have any kind of comprehensive discussion on climate change unless we bring geoengineering front and center. Weather manipulation has been going on since the 40's, and it has become increasingly responsible for the unstable climate. And how do we transition from fossil fuels unless there is a real alternative like free energy? The carbon footprint of wind turbines is mind boggling, and they have an incredibly short life span with no way to reuse any of the materials. Same with electric cars - the amount of rare minerals and strip mining needed to turn even one state in the US fully electric would devastate the planet. Fossil fuels are only part of the problem and when we ignore the rest of it, holistic solutions cannot be discussed. I would love to see fossil fuels ended and magnetic energy devices made the norm, but until we understand who is manipulating the weather and why, I don't see much change happening.

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Maybe this global acceleration of adverse environment impacts on we humans will finally get some of us to change our voting habits, because decades of warnings from scientists and climate activists certainly haven’t convinced the critical mass.

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To your point: "what does stand-up leadership look like?" Thanks for amplifying what Brad Lander is up to, Bill. He is surely an example of how more political (and, I'd argue, corporate) leaders can use their platforms to get louder. We seem to finally be at a point where so many folks who've remained muted, maybe for *professional* reasons (?), have hit the point where their personal values force them to speak UP. In my work I talk about this as climate influence. Imagine if Brad inspired even a handful more of his peers to do similar videos or to get louder on social platforms. Their leadership inspires their peers, and that starts to shift the social norm /expectations of what a REAL leader in today's climate crisis looks and sounds like. See Mayor Eric Adams influence on plant-based food shift. See former Milwaukie mayor/now Oregon House Rep, Mark Gamba (who I interviewed for Living Change podcast/great episode), who has always made a point to be seen riding a bike for transportation in his political career. Not only does this impact constituents, it gets their peers to think - hmmm... I could maybe add my climate-acting personal values and voice to this movement now.

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PLEASE, Bill McKibben: start weaving into your writing the oil/chemical usage and impacts that are rampant in our agriculture. Yes, we need to stop burning things. We also need to stop ruining our land and our health and our climate through industrial agriculture!

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four words- "planet of the humans"

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Hi Bill, my algorithm just took me to your interview from yesterday on the Majority report, very interesting.

I think a huge amount of resistance is coming from those, rightly, skeptical about the lockdowns/covid/vaccines mandate/coercion and the movement (traditionally on the right) that came out of the 'pandemic' against government corruption and regulation but which has now become Neil Oliver on GBnews saying that Greece being on fire is being used to manipulate us and that we should turn our backs on it.

The environmental movement (traditionally on the left) and climate scientists continue to call anti vaxxers conspiracy theorists and insist that we are disregarding facts and ignoring the science because we oppose regulation.

This is not true!

I have written to many including John Cook who even has videos about debunking covid skeptics but presents no actual evidence to back himself up.

I would love a climate activist to look into this really bad stuff (of people being killed by forced ventilation, loneliness, remdevier and midazolam, 30 million people starving to death during the lockdowns, jabs never tested against transmission and cronyism) happening in plain view, and see where we're coming from. It could perhaps help to unite the two?


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I have a few questions

1. how are solar panels produced? and is green energy a reliable replacement for crude? considering that most green energy depend on the weather.

2. Tesla promised in 2021 to switch from nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) cathodes in batteries for their standard range vehicles to Lithium but there is no evidence they actually did considering the bottle neck involved in processing lithium.

3.How about the issue with wait time in charging car batteries?

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Hi Bill, am only a recent reader but extremely appreciative of the work you have been doing. There has been an "event" of which the relevance and implications are yet to be fully appreciated and perhaps it is something we can co-write on together. I believe that a CEO of one of the most relevant multinationals was recently toppled for being 'woke' and I think we can do a good job of highlighting why that is so important to human progress towards social cohesion and combatting the climate crisis. Message me here or through LinkedIn if you want to discuss.

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