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Missing from your otherwise excellent post is any mention of conservation, which could play a critical role in stabilizing electricity demand. I assume readers of this Substack have already replaced all their incandescent bulbs with warm spectrum LEDs; if not, shame on you! Turn off the lights when you leave the room, set your a/c thermostat to a few degrees higher, and for the sake of nature ditch those outdoor lights!

Aeons ago, when I was a kid my folks set the thermostat to 68 in the summer and 72 in the winter. So: the range 68-72 F was deemed comfortable. As an adult I wonder why this practice is so common, and why we don't simply reverse it. Think about that! Full disclosure: In our household the thermostat is set to 76 days/73 nights in summer and 62 days/60 nights in winter, but we are all in good physical shape and enjoy sticking it to the effing fossil fuel (FFF) industry.

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Indeed. As the very blunt and frank Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, a marine biologist, has put it, no one even pays attention to the first "R" of the three "R's": reduce, recycle, reuse.

(Here: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/18/magazine/ayana-elizabeth-johnson-interview.html)

While the change to renewables is great, it often comes with the basic assumption that renewables will simply let us keep on keeping on as we do.

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good points!

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That’s what our family is doing summer: 76 days/73 nights; winter: 62 days/60 nights.

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