I reviewed the full Lancet Report. When it comes to the consequences of global warming from the burning of fossil fuels, heat is the world’s worst killer. Elderly people (ie Third Act members) and infants younger than 1 — are the two primary age groups most vulnerable to heat — are exposed to roughly four more extremely hot days per year…
I reviewed the full Lancet Report. When it comes to the consequences of global warming from the burning of fossil fuels, heat is the world’s worst killer. Elderly people (ie Third Act members) and infants younger than 1 — are the two primary age groups most vulnerable to heat — are exposed to roughly four more extremely hot days per year now than a generation ago, the Lancet report found. Worldwide, almost 350,000 people died of heat-related illness in 2019.
Will the organizers of the Third Act have not only protests to slow fossil fuel growth (mitigation efforts) ... but also the more crucial life safety programs of adaption efforts to lessen the suffering from global warming consequences such as heat?
I have read the heroic stories of volunteers in Portland that helped save the lives of many homeless there in the recent Heat Wave where the Heat Index exceeded 120F. The rich have air conditioned homes or can flee to a Holiday Inn ... the poor and homeless cannot.
I reviewed the full Lancet Report. When it comes to the consequences of global warming from the burning of fossil fuels, heat is the world’s worst killer. Elderly people (ie Third Act members) and infants younger than 1 — are the two primary age groups most vulnerable to heat — are exposed to roughly four more extremely hot days per year now than a generation ago, the Lancet report found. Worldwide, almost 350,000 people died of heat-related illness in 2019.
Will the organizers of the Third Act have not only protests to slow fossil fuel growth (mitigation efforts) ... but also the more crucial life safety programs of adaption efforts to lessen the suffering from global warming consequences such as heat?
I have read the heroic stories of volunteers in Portland that helped save the lives of many homeless there in the recent Heat Wave where the Heat Index exceeded 120F. The rich have air conditioned homes or can flee to a Holiday Inn ... the poor and homeless cannot.