I truly hope the Biden campaign pays attention to this - and then (when elected) fully acts on it!

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the second term of democratic administrations, especially the first two years, seems to be the golden period for getting stuff done!

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Bill - you are absolutely right about the climate thrust that needs to be started NOW ( now as in TODAY) It is simple - Biden has dome FAR more on climate and protecting our planet than any other President - Trump has doen NOTHING to protect citizens and the planet in FACT, he does not Believe in Climate Change - that ALONE should disqualify him the be President - he is the only major candidate that does not believe it is real - simply unbelievable. He does not care about ANYONE but himself and to hell with our planet, our lives and the lives and futures of our children - TAKE OFF THE GLOVE and FIGHT with the best ammunition any President has every had - MASSIVE REALITY.

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Thanks for the great and inspiring info.

Where can I find info about carbon impact in health care?

I am a doctor working in a hospital committed to reducing our collective carbon footprint. I am unable to find life cycle analysis of medications from extraction, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, dispensing and then waste.

Health care should be good for the planet too!

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these guys are the experts: https://noharm.org/

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Thanks to everyone building alternatives to the Democratic Party, which has proved unaccountable to the electorate. Mr. McKibben's well-intended messaging memo demonstrates yet again how we need a party with a stronger commitment to climate action—and its own promises—than the Democratic Party. The memo belies both the Biden administration's climate betrayals and the failure of the "big tent" coalition that attempts to accommodate everyone from Joe Manchin to (e.g.) AOC. These fundamentals will not change after November.

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Bill, thank you again. I was gob-smacked to read that "in a poll released this week, for instance, almost exactly half of voters said American unemployment was at a fifty-year high, which is odd since it’s actually near a fifty-year LOW!"

Thank you for putting some good-news pieces in your newsletter too, otherwise they become too grim for me to read.

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Propaganda is a powerful tool being absolutely overwhelmingly effective. We must counter it every day.

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In Oregon yesterday a total of 12% of Democrats either voted for Williamson ( green Party Candidate) or had write in for "uncommitted." to protest our foreign policy in Gaza and other war zones. I agree that his domestic policies for energy and less well known, changes to support Conservation by the Department of Agriculture with beginning changes to Restorative Agro should be continued. This is not what will lose this election. Alienation of people of all ages ( and his own administration) by racist and authoritarian support of Israel is what will lose the election for us all. Elections cannot be won when the base of your support is not with you. DEMS! wake up an nominate and alternative at the nominating convention this summer.

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I think Biden cannot win in Nov unless he addresses the Genocide in Gaza

There are a lot of people who cannot vote for him bc he is complicit in genocide by giving Israel arms and money and support. This is a basic moral issue. He needs to enforce a cease fire now in Gaza. People cannot vote for him otherwise

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Yet again, pathetic white technological determinism. A white old capitalist thug sitting inside a car. Your entire society is defined by the Car, the real hero of America.

Jackass Propaganda by Bright Green Lairs. Pathetic $erfs Global Green Scare.

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I’ll put myself out there and speak from the perspective of a college student (I’m 21)…. Biden TERRIFIES me, and Trump terrifies me more. As far as I can tell, Biden is complicit in the destruction of Gaza, which is the Vietnam of our time. He’s almost as dangerous as Trump.

Furthermore, even though he has done some good things such as the IRA Bill, Biden still passed the Willow Project in Alaska which lost him a lot of credit. Anything is better than trump, but the idea of having to vote for a senile, slow genocide-complicit clown??!? The moral injury is horrible. But nothing is more horrible than what ppl in Gaza are going through as a result of our tax dollars. For the climate, we need to vote against Trump…. but at what cost?! 💔

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It´s amazing your faith in the Democratic Party wanting to address climate change, when they are still promoting wars to control oil and gas. Wouldn´t it be better to support someone else, Dr. Jill Stein, for instance?

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My thoughts exactly…. Biden can’t be trusted, given his policy about Gaza and the fact that we’re still exporting/investing in fossil fuels more than ever. Terrifying that this might be our alternative to Trump.

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The DNC, DCCC, and DSCC have already raked in several millions if not billion dollars in campaign contributions. There is no valid reason why they can't put out huge posters, billboard ads newspaper and TV ads - flashy attention grabbing ones showing the real success of the Biden years. Labor reports on unemployment, trading reports on the stock market, treasury reports on the lower inflation.

We don't need to change the "brain dead MAGA cult, no amount of in your face truths will change their mind. But remember there are less than 30 million voters among them. What we need are the Independents, undecided, and young Democrats. Not only do we need to convince them Biden is the best choice, that he is NOT the lesser of two evils, that he has already accomplished about half of what he promised, We also have to convince them of the precarious state of our Democracy. They must vote, preferably by mail.

Speaking of that, we may also need the US Marshalls office to convince the USPS to deliver the ballots on time as first class mail to the voters and the State Elections offices.

I live in California, we have a computer program called Ballot Trax. It is used in at least 8 other States.

I get a notice in my email when my ballot is mailed to me; when it is returned to the Election office; and when it has been counted. Of course I have both a computer and internet. I don't have it on my phone but there may be a smartphone app too. I have no idea how much it costs (and I neither know anyone in the company, nor have stock in it). But I'm sure, even with prepaid postage (which we have in California that the system pays for itself in reducing the number of polling stations, even though fraud is nearly non-existent, this also reduces the possibility of fraud. You have to sign the ballot envelope prior to returning it. So a simple scan makes it clear it is your signature.

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I appreciate you, Bill, for all you do. I hope you will check out https://theframelab.org, who wants us to focus on FREEDOM for PEOPLE FIRST. I think you're both right, because none of us are free from fear of fossil fuel companies continuing to kill us. None of us are free from fear of want, i.e., wanting poison-free communities and not getting them. None of us are free if we're dead. So how would you combine these two needs - freedom and climate survival.

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If "all politics is local" we should localize the climate crisis.

Here in Iowa there's an opportunity to make it a winning issue.

Because this is a state where the climate crisis has become very personal. Recent storms across the Midwest demonstrate that it's here, right now.


To people who say it's all "natural variation" or a hoax, we should reply, "If you don't trust the scientists, trust the insurance actuaries."

As retired people with a paid-for home, we're worried. State Farm, our insurer, has stopped issuing new policies in California (all those fires) and isn't renewing some policies there. The insurance market in Florida is a train wreck.

Is it Iowa's turn soon? We learned from a recent Times article that there are 18 states, including Iowa, where it's no longer profitable to offer homeowners insurance. That can't go on for long.

Will the day come soon when our home isn't insurable, and its value plummets? Will we face a future in which if our home is severely damaged by any cause, we can no longer afford to rebuild?

The Republican Party has become the party of climate change denial. Trump has said that he will reverse all of Biden’s policies that are designed to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis.

Our message to Iowa homeowners should be that the Republican Party is a direct threat to our homes and personal economic security, and it's Democrats, led by Joe Biden, who are working to protect us.

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Thank you, Bill.

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Wow. A lot of things I did not know. And a lot of those things are hopeful. So I thank you.

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I forget. Why do we care about the climate? Keep people from dying and limit property damage?

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I think that Third Act should now focus all our efforts on trying to get the Biden Campaign to take up Climate Change as THE decisive issue in this upcoming election. Jeff Boyd, Connecticut Third Act member.

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