Aug 11, 2022Liked by Bill McKibben

I agree completely. Manchin deserves a few doses of his own medicine by letting him see what it’s like to have broken promises.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Bill McKibben

Thank you for sharing this great insight about our greatest health priorities. For the backstory of big oil’s control of congress, may I recommend the chapter “Capitalism: A Creation Story” in the book, Less Is More by anthropologists, storyteller, and ecological economist Jason Hickel? He writes from mountains of researched evidence on why green growth is in fact not a thing. And where we need to be headed yesterday is to a really exciting place called post-growth economics aka Doughnut Economics, the only doughnut that’s good for you ;-)

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Good last line!

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I suppose Manchun wants West Virginia to end up like Kentucky - totally polluted and flooded.

We must continue the fight - full steam ahead - against fossil fuel extraction, refining, transportation of and use of. Manchin and Schumer and President Biden need to stop off gassing and get off gas!

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“The question for every energy project should be: does it add carbon to the atmosphere? If the answer is yes, then the answer should be No.” Succinctly put! Thanks for an insightful post, and for sharing that EarthJustice quote, so glad to have that organization in the fight!

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Bill, I object to your constant plugging of non-Third Act persons, specifically the Sunrise Movement persons and their leaders such as AOC and other very left leaning leaders like Varshini Prakash.

Tell me what persons in the Third Act have done a tangible and meaningful way in the past 12 months other than Op-Eds / Articles in the LA Times and other places. Who are the largest funders of the Third Act?

Those who criticize the Sunrise Movement as a Watermelon (all green outside & all red inside), need to be push backed on.

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Joe Manchin (as we say out here in Appalachia) is a snake in the grass. He is a Republican and fossil fuel operative disguised as a "centrist" Democrat. He collects Dark Money while laying in wait to sabotage any and all legislation restricting the energy criminals. He's not even Blue Dog. He will do more harm as a Democrat than as a Republican. Remove him from chairmanship of the Senate Energy Committee. Kick him out now.

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You can read an example of Manchin's sabotage on page 645 of the Inflation Reduction Act. It's a quid pro quo to permit oil and gas leases on federal land and shore lines in exchange for any wind or solar permits, thus guaranteeing continuing fossil fuel extraction.

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I don't disagree with your argument, but it's not realistic. A deal was made, and the bill was passed. That's how politics works, ugly as it is. It was either this bill or nothing. There is still a lot of work to be done on climate, and we activists will continue fighting. It sucks that the MV pipeline was part of the deal, it really does--but it's not the only pipeline that is in the works. Let's stop complaining that we didn't get everything we wanted, and continue the fighting for clean energy. The perfect shouldn't be the enemy of the good.

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