<< 43% of the oil and gas companies in Colorado own only inactive and unproductive wells, a new analysis finds. Which means there’s a very good chance that the taxpayers will end up on the hook for plugging them.>>
Bill, the biggest snow job of all is the wasted energy of Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) and Senator Joe Manchin III for ruling the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee (ENR) with a solo iron fist (the former Chairman produced nothing relevant on her watch with the several failed versions of her so-called “Energy Policy Modernization Act(s)” and as premier coal market price watchdog (the current Prime Minister’s email to constituents is simply a price wrap-up on coal) in spite of my countless admonitions to subpoena oil & gas CEOs to testify and submit their most expeditious strategic plans to wind down production, gathering, refining and distribution with utmost ecologically and fiducially responsible urgency, funding the shutting in of wells; shutting down and removing oil and gas facilities and pipelines; retiring, dismantling, detoxifying and removing refineries and other facilities, while prohibiting Boards of Directors from exercising Fiduciary Duty and declaring bankruptcy—polluters must pay their own “final expenses”—lest We the Prople be left holding the tab.
Far be it for me to say “I told you so, Senators!”
So far, the ENR Chairman, Ranking Member and all Committee Members have ignored or have been impotent to address this criminal negligence. I just don’t see anything changing … And We the People will be saddled with the industry’s “final expenses,” which I calculate to exceed $6- to $18 -trillion for the global 750 refineries alone, including debt pay down and equitable disbursement of Market Cap to institutions, foundations, insurance and reinsurance, superannuation funds and Ma & Pa investors.
Actually, industry profits don’t come close to footing their own bill for decades.
The happiest memories of my boyhood are wrapped up in old black and white photos of our family skiing in the Laurentians. The happiest sound of every year still comes with the SHHKIIIIII of my first slide across the snow. But I can hardly shake the sorrow of knowing that if my grandchildren are lucky enough to live to my age the lovely clean world of winter will be gone for them. Have a great ski this afternoon.
I've been using (often without attribution) your 'remission from friction' line for about 20 years, since first reading it in an Outside piece, or maybe Long Distance.
Thanks for this great installment! I love sliding, but my recently adopted mantra is its close cousin: gliding. May we all learn to glide through the days, come what may.
<< 43% of the oil and gas companies in Colorado own only inactive and unproductive wells, a new analysis finds. Which means there’s a very good chance that the taxpayers will end up on the hook for plugging them.>>
Bill, the biggest snow job of all is the wasted energy of Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) and Senator Joe Manchin III for ruling the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee (ENR) with a solo iron fist (the former Chairman produced nothing relevant on her watch with the several failed versions of her so-called “Energy Policy Modernization Act(s)” and as premier coal market price watchdog (the current Prime Minister’s email to constituents is simply a price wrap-up on coal) in spite of my countless admonitions to subpoena oil & gas CEOs to testify and submit their most expeditious strategic plans to wind down production, gathering, refining and distribution with utmost ecologically and fiducially responsible urgency, funding the shutting in of wells; shutting down and removing oil and gas facilities and pipelines; retiring, dismantling, detoxifying and removing refineries and other facilities, while prohibiting Boards of Directors from exercising Fiduciary Duty and declaring bankruptcy—polluters must pay their own “final expenses”—lest We the Prople be left holding the tab.
Far be it for me to say “I told you so, Senators!”
So far, the ENR Chairman, Ranking Member and all Committee Members have ignored or have been impotent to address this criminal negligence. I just don’t see anything changing … And We the People will be saddled with the industry’s “final expenses,” which I calculate to exceed $6- to $18 -trillion for the global 750 refineries alone, including debt pay down and equitable disbursement of Market Cap to institutions, foundations, insurance and reinsurance, superannuation funds and Ma & Pa investors.
Actually, industry profits don’t come close to footing their own bill for decades.
Houston! DC! We have a conundrum!
The happiest memories of my boyhood are wrapped up in old black and white photos of our family skiing in the Laurentians. The happiest sound of every year still comes with the SHHKIIIIII of my first slide across the snow. But I can hardly shake the sorrow of knowing that if my grandchildren are lucky enough to live to my age the lovely clean world of winter will be gone for them. Have a great ski this afternoon.
yeah, this haunts me too.
I've been using (often without attribution) your 'remission from friction' line for about 20 years, since first reading it in an Outside piece, or maybe Long Distance.
Thanks for this great installment! I love sliding, but my recently adopted mantra is its close cousin: gliding. May we all learn to glide through the days, come what may.