Thank you, Bill for keeping Pakistan in our thoughts. Sometimes it seems as though denial and apathy is increasing with the increasingly horrific manifestations of the climate crisis. I truly do not understand how terrible a global situation has to become before action is taken. I had hoped Covid would awaken the world to the need for immediate and bold action when faced with a force of nature, but no...The theory of evolution failed to account for our immense capacity fo self-delusion and self-destruction as a species.

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I sometimes think climate change is a test of whether the big brain was a good idea or not--or maybe, more likely, of whether there are enough big hearts attached to those big brains...

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We have the ability to transition to clean energy so much quicker but politics are in the way. The need is urgent but now inflation has become the excuse for delay and also the monetary investment. Don't our elected officials realize postponing acting on climate will multiply the cost and cost lives. We will be paying for more climate disasters.

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I am wondering if there is, or has been, a campaign to specifically focus on the CEOs of the biggest US oil and gas companies - not to vilify them , but to focus on the tremendous opportunity that they have to refocus their power, and monetary resources, to bring a hugely significant impact in humanity.

This can be done through a letter-writing campaign, and through social media, and even print media.

The important part would be to stay positive, and encouraging, rather than to shame and blame.

(Of course, there is a place for shaming and blaming corporations, But, when it comes to individual people, a positive approach is more effective, it seems).

Would there be value - and effectiveness - in such a campaign?

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Is there a good/respected reference on predicted sea level rise, and its uncertainties? I guess I expected to see more of it by now, and I wonder if the lack of it is undermining climate warnings. But I just read here a. prediction of a 2ft/60cm avg rise by 2070? I guess it will be exponential plus jumps: and so much depends on unknowns like CH4, feedbacks land the sheet ice loss rates, and when any slides of chunks of the Greenland&Antartcic ice sheets Into the ocean might occur? Thanks. (Edit: just found “NOAA 2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report“ -is this good? Looks considered)

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Bill, what is the best way to get in contact with you? Thank you Philipp S-P - psp at ie-rm dot org

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