UNFCCC has proven to be ineffective. Why on earth should we expect the COP trend to take the dramatic inflection—or more aptly "quantum shift"—that is long-past overdue?

Environmentalists should be demanding the abandonment of COPs along with Oil & Gas.

The new mantra: END COP, OIL & GAS‼️ RESTORE <350‼️

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Thanks for this. I continue to scan for when the tides turn, and people like Skidmore actually consider their responsibilities and legacy ahead of lobbyist monies.

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Isn’t it amazing that this MP had the courage to act on the right side of the fossil fuel debate at the cost of his position? How many of our politicians would do the same? The time is now, not 2050.🔥

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Macron declared end of coal during his term. The end of paved road development in New Zealand. Colombia said “we’ll stop if you help us replace the income”. Many, many more examples. Mia Motley. There are bold actors. The signs are there and will only increase exponentially.

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Um...'end of paved road development in NZ'??? I don't think so. Our recently elected coalition govt (RW) has announced repeal of oil and gas ban, clean car discount, reduced speed limits, and their fave -build more roads, plus a myriad of other horrors. Wish I was wrong

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No, indeed it was me who was wrong- not New Zealand- Wales. And the commissioner for future generations Sophie Howe. Around the same time the Teals sneakily took over some 50 municipal government seats in Australia and stood for climate and women in positions of political power. Here’s a wonderful Outrage + Optimism episode covering both of those hopeful stories https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/huge-wins-for-future-generations-in-australia-and/id1459416461?i=1000563931213

Speaking of my optimism and your (reasonable) outrage- we need both. Maybe New Zealand will read this. Maybe more countries will appoint a commissioner for future generations. Maybe we’ll follow Yuval Noah Hararri’s suggestion of 2% of global gdp to fund the transition. Maybe Keir Starmer will reroute those funds when he wins UK premiership. Charles is a Climate King. Maybe William Ruto will help lead Africa towards nature preservation and driving funds to provide renewable energy for the continent. Champions are everywhere. Vote (or run!) for those who show their signs of strength in office. Until then the new 2024 CSRD law in Europe, Californias new ESG reporting laws mean business can either show leadership in the transition or be exposed for their refusal to play their part (and suffer customer, investor and employee loss of trust) which means the end of the paved road for business.

The tides have turned on the fossil fuel economy. And I wholeheartedly agree with @billmckibben that COP28 marked the line in the sands of time. Humans defend their territory by nature. It’s understandable that many will fight hard against change. But so many more are fighting for it.

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Africa needs zero population growth ASAP. At the current rate of growth, its population will double--to 3 billion, in a generation. If that happens, look for the megafauna--elephants (arguably the smartest non humans), rhinos, giraffes, and all the other wonders to go extinct in that time.

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And the simplest answer to this challenge was beautifully articulated by Project Drawdowns top solutions 5 & 6 if I recall correctly:

- Family Planning Education

learn how to not get pregnant so you can keep going in school) and

- Educating Girls

Stay in school until tertiary education, don’t get pregnant so your education gives you the chance to earn a living and be a productive member of the economy- and teach your (fewer) children to do the same.

It’s the under-educated, under-resourced population that is a big concern. People need housing, food, energy, education and healthcare- then the virtuous cycle begins and population naturally stays manageable. Everyone has a place in society (within planetary boundaries).

Thank you @KateRaworth :-) https://www.shortform.com/summary/doughnut-economics-summary-kate-raworth

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Yes continued neocolonialism and exploitation is not going to help.

China's model of investment in infrastructure to the mutual benefit of all is the way to go.

The West and the old Empire are not going to be leaders in this. Macron has been kicked out of Africa and BRICS investment will probably make it the greenest economy yet.

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Yes continued neocolonialism and exploitation is not going to help.

China's model of investment in infrastructure to the mutual benefit of all is the way to go.

The West and the old Empire are not going to be leaders in this. Macron has been kicked out of Africa and BRICS investment will probably make it the greenest economy yet.

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Don't scan, turn the tides yourself.

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Chris Skidmore did something very impressive. I hope he inspires other politicians all over the world to take similar actions.

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I absolutely agreet that the UNFCCC [United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] should urgently intervene and kick big polluters out of climate talks! Who chooses the COP locations?

Chris Skidmore is a hero for speaking out his strong words! And President Biden too!

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Well done, Skidmore - principled action is what it is all about.

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Gracious! A person standing up for climate control! Thanks for sharing! Fodder for letters to our politicians!

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I'm not sure how resigning helps. Isn't it better to stay around and keep bringing it up and trying to change minds?

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"Biden gave a tremendously moving speech today at Valley Forge, launching his campaign with a promise to protect democracy. It’s more than enough to secure my vote. " You are so easy to please, I suspect you are actually PART OF THE PROBLEM.

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I feel in violation of sanity to ever say McKibben is wrong about anything. I'll wash away my sin by writing-in McKibben as my Presidential choice. Absolute sin is to support the person who abandons Afghanistan and pretends he has to wait for Congress to get the arms to Ukraine and does feeble action to restrain Israel's madness of inflicting Gaza with roughly 8 times what was done to the U.S. on 9/11. Pick anybody off the street and they couldn't do much worse than Biden -- except possibly Trump could . . . . . suggesting perhaps U.S. usefulness is past the point of no return.

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Thank you...

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It was only 7 years ago that South Australia installed a grid connected "big battery" - to widespread derision. Whole mega battery factories have been built and are delivering to customers since then - that quickly. Only a decade between solar being a very expensive option to the least cost option and becoming the most built new electricity generation, by a huge margin. That quickly. From current 450 GW of solar last year to 1 TW per year within two more is the IEA expectation - at 20% capacity factor or GWh terms, that is like 90 1GW nuclear plants worth, rising to 200 per year.

No-one will build another coal fired power station in Australia and we are not seeing the supposed "renewables will require more gas plants" outcome - it seems like storage waited for solar and wind to demonstrate they would have the confidence of the electricity industry and the need became more explicit; now that it has... storage projects have started going ahead, including pumped hydro and compressed air as well as battery farms, including other chemistries than only lithium ion.

Solar, Wind, Batteries, EV's have crossed tipping points and nothing will be the same because of it; choosing low emissions electricity has become the least cost choice, as well as fast to install, but mostly it is driven by demand for electricity, not demand for low emissions.

Whether governments can bring themselves to take full advantage and up the ante is a question, because even with such extraordinary, unexpected success of RE we need forethought, planning and commitment. I fear the successes of RE will become excuse to reduce policy ambitions from governments that appear never to have ever demonstrated real conviction.

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It sounds like the new breakthroughs in small geostationary satellites for "Space Based Solar Power" could have application, sooner rather than later. The CalTech project is making hopeful sounds (on CNN this New Years season).

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We must influence influential people to stop acquiescing to industry and financial institution leaders. For-profit corporations cannot save us - their first priority is profits for investors. A radical government response is needed: replacing the need for cars with dense networks of (mostly narrow-track) light rail lines and electric buses, ultralight 'mini cars' for short distance travel, etc., etc. Many needed actions are listed in https://humanecivilization.org/climate-emergency/ see also drawdown.org

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Thanks, as always. Somehow pressure needs to be put on the committee that selects the venue for the climate COP meeting. It's clear that the current committee is either corrupt or clueless!

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COP: Davos for the carbon industry.

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The UN has revealed itself to be a toothless cat's paw in the face of both climate change and an enormous great genocide and the targeting of civilians in Gaza.

In the case of climate change the COP has revealed itself to be worse than useless and actually to work in favour of fossil fuels and animal ag. Better off without it.

During the fake pandemic the WHO revealed itself to be a cesspit of industry conflict of interest, corruption, extortion and lies. Far better off without it.

BRICS and the global majority are forming their own alliances- without political influence from Bill and Mel's tax evading foundation and without the US having a veto. I wish them all the very best.

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I've just been reading some human details of the destroying of Venezuela's human livability. Every reform undercut by widespread culture of corruption. Bribes, and black-marketing, and hoarding, and stealing, and favoritism, and intimidation, till no reform could work. I don't know, I just vaguely suspect that each of the BRICS is at least half as bad. Maybe China a little less bad?? The U.S. polite absence of "in-your-face" runaway corruption culture here, makes me hope the U.S. isn't totally a lost cause.

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The CIA makes sure no reforms work all over the world. Why has there been no coup in America? Because it has no American embassy.

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A *Tory* resigned over this?!?!

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Thank you.

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