Beautiful, thank you for a glimpse into the conference experience for those that can't attend!

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Our only hope is in stopping that machine- corporate capitalism, or more pointedly corporate colonialism as you lay out so clearly. Thanks for keeping us connected to COP26 with such powerful ‘on the ground’ insights.

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I view this newsletter through the prism of history...one day the question will be asked, why didn't someone do something while there was time. Your missives answer that question. Many did speak, fight, die (and you have immortalized their names)...just not enough.

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OMG... 227 environmentalists were killed in the last year.

"These people find themselves at the business end of the great machine that can’t stop itself—"

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Your beautiful words about the 227 people that died fighting for our planet was like a gut punch of grief piled on top of my constant ecological grief. Their bravery took my breath away. Thank you for always providing an unexpected perspective.

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Thanks for always keeping it real. People need to hear what you are saying, even when it’s heart-stoppingly sad

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I count myself as a Centrist / Moderate Democrat and cheer for like minded people and political candidates who can help to move us along a path toward Climate Justice and ending manmade Global Warming.

One of my friends, Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, got his head handed to him last night in Virginia. Biden won Virginia over Trump by about 10 points in 2020. Last night McAuliffe lost by 2 points to the Trump supported Republican candidate Younkin.

In my book, McAuliffe lost by 12 points .... mainly Swing / Independent Voters and non loyal Democrats Voters.

These 12 points don't bode well for Democrats in 2022 nor in 2024 when Trump will likely be the Republican Presidential candidate .... and that's a hell on earth scenario for Climate Justice ... specially if the Republicans control the House and Senate.

I believe the younger and more vocal Green New Deal Elected Progressives in Office (and their supporters) need to garner more Third Act level wisdom and think better along the lines of just not winning a battle occasionally .... but alot more strategically about winning the war. That's going to take some serious leadership, serious strategy and coalitions that can bring Climate Justice Republicans aboard.

If the two big bills in Congress 'had been passed', Terry McAuliffe 'would have won'. Plus, Biden would have done much better on the Glasgow world stage which has been described here as "Mostly Banal".

I personally know that McAuliffe did not throw his hat in the Democratic Presidential Arena in 2020 because he thought that Biden had that Democratic Center lane and could deliver a "Good New Deal" for the people of America.

It's just not me saying this about the "why" of the McAuliffe loss,, but it is also the assessment of other respected and experienced individuals as noted below.

I hope those here can join in by saying we can learn from failures and can persevere on the path toward Climate Justice.

"Democratic Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia told CNN that Democrats’ inability to approve the infrastructure bill and give McAuliffe a talking point on the campaign trail contributed to his defeat."

“I think it was on the shoulders of Democrats here who have the majority,” he said. “People had a lot of hope for Joe Biden and the Joe Biden agenda, but Democrats didn’t want to give Biden a win,” he said.

See: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-biden/biden-returns-to-sobering-virginia-upset-democrat-battle-in-congress-idUSKBN2HO122

See: https://www.thedailybeast.com/democrats-start-knifing-each-other-even-before-official-terry-mcauliffe-virginia-defeat

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Thank you for always finding the little corners of hope. Appreciate you.

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A wise mentor once told me,

"Leadership is not what you do while you are alive; it's what you leave behind."

May those who activists have passed on RIP.

I can only repay them by actting, today and tomorrow.

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