So tell your readers to write or call Joe Biden, calling for David Malpass to be fired. I’ll start.

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Thank you! And that makes you a leader!

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This is yet another example of why I rate Biden as ineffective and globally destructive in so many ways. It appears he got his life long wish to finally be “President” but has no real expectation of doing anything with it to resolve world or even US problems. My though is the DNC place him there just to continue their “status quo” lackluster policies of neo-liberalism. I curse the DNC and the Clintons everyday for taking away a real Presidential opportunity in 2016 & 2020 and screwing We the People and the country for retention of their personal power, greed and avarice. Which he totally supports! That old adage “ he fails to live up to the miserably low standards he sets for himself” applies.

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My comment to Biden. Write your own - https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Feel free to plagiarize.

To lead on climate change, it's crucial for you to have someone at the helm of the World Bank who takes our global emergency seriously. David Milpass is clearly not that person.

He not only appears to be unwilling to say that he understands that climate change is real, but he is leading the World Bank with policies very detrimental to the world. The head of the World Bank needs to promote financing of clean energy in less developed nations, not penalize them with high interest rates and the World Bank needs to stop funding fossil fuel development all together. You should relieve David Milpass of his duties and replace him with somebody who works in the long term interest of the world.

Can you please let me know whether or not you will replace Mr. Milpass?

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It seems Mr Malpass isn't fit to hold the position in the World bank as president. In the UK we seem to have a simillar issue with Liz Truss our new prime minister, who would like to re-introduce fracking licenses and issue new permits to further explore the North Sea for oil and gas, rather than make planning easier for renewables like wind and solar. It beggars belief. Bill, I like your work, please keep it up.

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We can call and write to President Biden to fire David Malpass, right?

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Go for it! Many many thanks!

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Right!,ask friends to join in!

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Takes maybe 2 minutes to cut and paste part of this post showing Malpass is a climate denier in charge of an $85b budget!

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Now is when the Tribunals for Crimes Against the Biosphere must start being set up.

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Recommend putting the White House contact info in your post: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

It beggers belief, that ningcompoops can hold positions of this high rank.

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Hey, he was appointed by Trump!

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Amen. It was so outrageous that he wouldn't answer the question and good for David Gelles for pushing him. I was screaming at my computer. Out he goes!

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Does the President serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States?

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In essence

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Sounds like a no brainer. Get rid of Mr. So Aptly Named!

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David Malpass give waffling a bad name. If I could, I'd add this picture: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/97/b8/57/97b85742116cda25ebe64ac82f4216e5.jpg

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Where is John Kerry on this?

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