Given Project 2025 stance on energy and on gender I’m going to have to do another blog on petromasculinity.

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And yet... many environmental groups have been pretty tough on Biden and the Democrats, who are at least making efforts. In a binary system, one party wins, the other loses, that's a dumb strategy in the short term for environmentalists. I've seen it in action in Oregon.

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This stance throws accountability out the window and perpetuates (at best) incremental climate action that won't save us.


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Well, electing a GOP government will be the death knell to effective environmentalism in the US for God knows how long. In my book, going backwards is far worse than incremental change, which can lead to more dramatic change down the road.

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Given the stakes, it is *beyond belief* that Democrats refuse to change their unpopular candidate and/or policies.


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I’m not disagreeing with that.

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The die was cast when Team Blue refused to hold truly democratic primaries. Again.

I see no evidence of the party suddenly embracing climate policy that meets the moment, either now or "down the road". As such, I'm grateful to everyone building alternatives to Teams Red and Blue.

I don't know how legitimate the U.S. presidential election will be in 2028. Or in 2032, 2036, etc. I do know that there are a *lot* of people ready to break the undemocratic, unresponsive duopoly of Republicans and Democrats.


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Until that changes, it’s a binary choice, as I said earlier. Less Bad vs. Truly Terrible. From what I’ve seen of environments, it seems unlikely they can create a mass political party with hope of victory. So where does that leave us? Right where we are.

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Amidst the gloom it's encouraging to see some good news. Thanks, Bill.

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The question for Trump needs to be framed as: “What is your plan to compete with China on their rapid adoption of renewable energy?”

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Good analysis, Bill, especially working in the Taliban.

For more on the GOP side, I'm kicking off an online reading of Project 2025 this week. It'll cover a lot of ground, and climate change is definitely there.

More info here: https://bryanalexander.org/book-club/getting-ready-to-read-project-2025-in-an-open-online-discussion/

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Thank you, Bill, for another great update. Not only are our Constitution and democracy on the ballot this fall, our entire planet's habitat is.

Project 2025's pre-ramble proclaims not only will they undo all the renewable energy laws passed in the past 40+ years, they will literally destroy all windmill farms and solar arrays in the US (including those privately owned) It's going to be coal, gas, oil - fossil fuels all the way, baby.

And if you're wondering that those autocrats don't care how many species (includiing Homo sapiens) might die out? They don't. Like me they'll be long dead before the worst happens. As to their grandchildren, they're leaving them so much money they'll be able to shelter somewhere and go on using grandpappy's wealth to support them in style.

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I would characterize the difference between the two platforms as the GOP platform says nothing about reducing global demand for activities that emit CO2 into the atmosphere and the Democratic platform does. Subsidizing and mandating use of substitutes for CO2 emitting technologies does reduce demand. It does not do so as cost effectively as a tax on net emissions would, but it is better than nothing (as long as the cost is not TOO great.)

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Given the stakes, it is *beyond belief* that Democrats refuse to change their unpopular candidate and/or policies.

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Never have I seen such a poorly qualified person to run as Jill Stein !

Look up her meeting with the editorial board at her own states Boston Globe. She was totally unprepared and simply had to constantly change the subject she was asked about because obviously she didn’t know how to answer the question. ( this seemed to be her going style at all the other editors meetings )

She lives in the upper middle class neighborhood of Lexington Ma. She walk to any of several “ financial advisors “ and yet she invested in all the very corporations she spoke out against .

Simply read what her VP choice said about Syria .

I unfortunately for her never saw when she was adequately prepared by her staff to answer questions. ( if ya can’t pick experienced well trained staff , how are you going to run a country ) no wonder the libertarian party did so much better then her.

And her troops on the ground working for her ? They acted like elitists who only buy food at Whole Foods and know better then the average voting American.

Yes we definitely need aa 3rd or 4th party in this nation. But the Green Party is at kindergarten level, on some many levels it’s to larger to list here .

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What????? Jill Stein close to winning???? Please present some evidence.

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If you care

Vote Green this Nov.




Vote for Dr. Jill Stein POTUS

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Because those votes will be well-used. Jill is so close to winning.

Also, she has so much experience and so many relationships with other lawmakers, I'm sure she'd make an excellent President, which is considered the hardest job in the world.

Surely you have been asked by people whether you would let someone without a medical degree conduct brain surgery on you as an analogy.

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