Very disappointed in this, Bill.

At a time when we need all hands on deck depopularizing the lying insults of a convicted felony fraudster who has finally stated openly that his biggest ambition in life is the become Vladimir Putin’s Mini-Me, you are doing the opposition proud by sowing discord when we most need to stand together, so that civilized society does not fall apart.

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The man (Biden) could not remember if he'd watched a recording of his debate. He couldn't put together a coherent sentence in an interview for which he should have been prepped. Do you honestly trust him to be the president?

I didn't trust my dad to balance his checkbook after a certain point. Why would any voter trust the guy to run the show?

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Because the alternative is Mini-Me. Keep your eye on the prize, and stop doing yoeman’s work for the enemies of freedom through accountable Constitutional representative self-government.

Warren Buffet has 10 years on Biden. Do you trust him to balance his own checkbook?

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I agree with you, Tim. We just continue to destroy ourselves from within. This is madness. Biden is the nominee. Let’s get to work reelecting him.

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Yes, because he has not lost his faculties. I think it's not only folly to think Biden can run an administration but that people will vote for someone who is so obviously feeble.

I don't think that sticking with Joe is the obvious way--or even a vaguely good way--to defeat Trump

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Who would you propose? Could they actually gain momentum and win? It will take ALL of us working our butts off to support Biden, the candidate we have, let alone try to get someone else up to speed. Your concerns about his faculties are not based in clear evidence of most of his behavior. Elect him. If he does suffer to become incapacitated, he can step down then, and let Kamala take over.

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No one has the funds to run a campaign except Biden and Harris.

We're in the 9th inning and need to finish the game of beating T.

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No path exists to get a new candidate on the ballot in all 50 states.

Trump wins!!!


Biden admin's people are capable and competent.

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Because of the people he chose to help him make decisions? Because of an interview with Propublica in September that they have just rerun that tells you who this amazing man is. His experience,

his knowledge, his heart, his kindness. Gentle people can actually win elections my child. Debating a lier is impossible. Debating someone who hates you. A loosing battle. Debating someone who’s a coward…a lesson well learned.

I’m 81, and the wisdom acquired is definitely worth the trip. As Taylor says, “You need to calm down !”

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Jul 6·edited Jul 8

We’re not only voting for Joe. We’re voting for his cabinet, his appointments, codifying laws that retain our rights and add to them as opposed to being stripped of them, and…we’re voting to preserve democracy. A vote for anyone other than Biden will sink the American Experiment.

Suppose Joe steps back. What’s your plan B? Who could win against Hitler wannabe?

Btw, Bill & William, in voting for Joe we’re also voting for the planet and all her species, including us. We need huge numbers to ensure codification of environmental protection.

This media-manufactured bullying technique to get Joe to drop out will nail our coffin shut.

The joint chiefs meet with him every day and report that he is clear minded and sharp. I believe our joint chiefs more than George Stephanopolous.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Yes, I understand that. I guess my "bet" is that keeping Biden on the ticket is a probable or very likely loss. I'm buying that argument. Perhaps you are not. I concede that this is not a certainty by any stretch. But can you imagine Biden debating in September, when the next debate is?

I simply think we have a better chance with a Whitmer or Harris or some other person who can carry on a conversation. Honestly, I have felt this way a long time: I never wanted Biden to run again and it was a huge mistake that no new candidates were permitted to distinguish themselves.

It does not mean I don't respect what Biden has been able to do in a hostile governing environment. And I thank Biden's "almighty god" that we did not have Trump the past 4 years. Can you imagine?

I'll admit I have not read that the joint chiefs said that. But I can also imagine they don't want Putin et al to know we have a senescent man on the job. What are they supposed to say: "Our commander in chief sleeps through any meeting after 4 pm"? But who knows. That said, I'll trust Maggie Haberman's reporting in the Times.

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It is not a debate when one 'debater" spouted his rally LIES and did not answer the questions and was allowed to lie unchecked with incompetent corpse "moderators" present.

Cancel the other "debate"since trump is incapable of answering questions! FARCICAL!

>"Our commander in chief sleeps through any meeting after 4 pm"?<

trump watched FOX to find out what his policies were and spent the majority of his day watching tv!

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This is absurd. It would all be well and good if he was up to the job. He’s not. A fact that was conveniently kept from the American people. Forget four years, I’m worried about the next 6 months!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Keep your eyes on the prize, dear ones. He is wise enough to surround himself with competent people who also share our values.

Do you think for a moment that 45 is going to run the country by himself?? He and he alone??

If you haven’t seen project 2025, I suggest you inform yourselves forthwith. They are rowing in the same direction; “they” being over 100 right wing think tanks, billionaires, the mindless minions, what was the GOP, lobbyists, CEOs, and Evangelicals.

We need to snap out of our fascination with particles and focus on the big picture.

A reminder that this os a manufactured crisis like the border, like “inflation” that is way more corporate price gouging due to the springboard into it that was the pandemic and thenprices never came down and now corporate profits are higher than ever, like regulations that limit profits…and on, and on.

I am watching people who are highly educated and whom I consider bright and decent people, get swept up into the funnel cloud that is bannon’s “flood the zone with so much shit.” Emotional regulation and common sense go out the windows and…voila! They’re under the spell. This is psychological warfare in action. What will it take for us to realize that and take back our power???? Ffs.

Knock it the fuck off and get to work. Corporate media is in it for clicks. Turn them off and work on getting out the vote.

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Dear Bill, You're wrong. the corrupt right wing supreme court is OUTRAGEOUS. They made the presidency a monarchy. BUT, they are such greedily stupid puppets of evil Putin and a bunch of white supremeicist, misogynist billionaires--that they don't seem to realize they gave immunity to the current presidency! Biden will win, and Trump will start a second BIG LIE and Biden can put Trump in jail for TREASON, between the election Nov. 7th and the Inauguration, Jan 20th, while Biden is still president and President elect. Hahaha! I think that is the Ace in the hole!!!! And the rotten murderous multi-billionaire white supremacist, misogynist greed mongers are Leonard Leo of the Federalists Society and the stinking racist sexists of The Heritage Foundation, Robert Mercer, Peter Tiel, Bradley Foundation, Koch Bros. Rupert Murdock, Jeffrey Yas, The Adlers, Elon Musk....ETC. BACKING THE CRAZY8 and the ROTTEN FAR RIGHT will bite the dust.

On our side we have billionaire true blue George Soros, Jeff Besos, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, most American women and Hollywood stars from Barbara Streisand and Jane Fonda to the most famous women in the world, Taylor Swift, Byonce, and many other rich Hollywood Stars, plus NASA, and the majority of American women with Gloria Steinem and many feminists, and many journalists who are afraid of losing The Freedom of the Press, and we have Michelle and Barack Obama out their campaigning for us and Gavan Newsom and Nancy Pelosi of CA. and Sen. Schumer of NYC and Hakeem Jeffries who will be Speaker of the House. And down ballot Democrats are already WINNING. Biden/Harris will catch up. NO WORRIES.

PLEASE: Don't be a "bedwetting Democrat" and start being positive. SPREAD CONFIDENCE! Biden is climbing back already in the polls, because of great rallying speeches in NC and Wisconsin and an ok interview on rotten ABC that gave George Stephanopolis a better microphone than Biden for the goddamned nasty interview that hurt Biden's feelings.

But, Biden did okay if not great. The guy works too hard at 81, but did fine at 78 to 80, traveled threw a bunch of time zones and had a bad cold and hadn't slept enough. I'm 83 and if I have a cold and don't sleep well, I'm out of it, but after a good night's sleep I feel young again. AND, Biden has a great TEAM around him. VP Kamala Harris is ready to take over and young and attractive, strong, mixed race Indian, African white American with a nice Jewish Husband.

Trump is surrounded by a few rotten racist misogynists, and most of his Administration has deserted him or are indicted or in jail, for Heaven sakes!!!! And when more people learn about Project 25 and the Rightwing Heritage Foundation's plan to destroy our government and all our agencies, INCLUDING SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE, plus THE THREAT OF CLIMATE CATASTROPHE with all the 80 % of young people worried about their future on our ONLY PLANET HOME--TRUE BLUE WILL SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY, and WIN! There will be some violence by Trump Nazi, KKK, Proud Boys, etc. in the streets of cities, when Trump loses, but it will be quelled by Biden calling out the National Guard. AND TRUE BLUE will put the country and legislation in order again, as Biden expands the Supreme Court with Liberal, fair justices.

We are such stuff as dreams are made of, and our little lives are rounded with a sleep. Life is a Dream, La Vida El Sueno! Dream this good dream! NO WORRIES! 💚🌍🌏🌎♥️

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well, glad for your confidence anyway!

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I love you and Bernie Sanders better than Biden/Harris. In my perfect world dream, Senator Bernie Sanders of VT. would be president and you'd be vice president or in charge of the EPA. Whichever you chose to save Mother Earth from the fossil fuel barons, EXXON Mobile, Shell, BP, etc. That would be a better dream, but as it is Biden/Harris or the possible end of all life on Earth, let alone democracy. I worked with 350.NYC.org and helped to organize the 2014 People's Climate March. We were there with friends and family! Love you, Bill, Keep Hope Alive! I quote you on the front page of http://www.EcoPoetry.org I type-o'd before.

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Actually on the TABLE OF CONTENTS page of www.EcoPoetry.org it says: "If anyone can save us, the poets can!" Bill McKibben at Riverside Church April 2013.

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Wow. Head of the class for YOU !!! I think you covered it. Just for a bunch of fun, check out

Polly Toynbee, (yes that

Toynbee) her *celebration* in the Guardian UK, “A Rare Moment of Political Joy” there are definitely parallels and a lot of joy on the way !!!

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Yes, the UK has gained its senses FOR THE PEOPLE and the laboring classes. More Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Congratulations. My son-in-law is a Brit living in the USA, but still has family in England. We are so happy for the new Labor Party win in the UK. Happier days are there again, we all hope and believe!

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Daniela Gioseffi is a climate justice activist for many years with 350.org and Earthjustice, and and American Book Award winning author of 18 books of social justice, and she loves Bernie Sanders and Bill McKibben and quotes them on the Website she edits and built, an online anthology https://wwwEcoPoetycom See her, too, at http:www.AuthorandActivist.com

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P.S correcting the type-error above. http://www.EcoPoetry.org where the Table of Contents of poets has a quote from the wonderful author/activist, Bill McKibben, who has our full and loving respect. Bill McKibben is a hero of the Climate Justice, Environmental Movement and no one commands more of our respect. We just feel it's too late to change the Democratic nominee. Joe Biden has younger, healthy VP Kamala Harris, with her good husband, running with him.

My daughter and I believe THE WOMEN WILL SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY as they did with the blue wave midterms. We need to keep hope alive to not let the fascists who will destroy Mother Earth depress us. Keep working for a TRUE BLUE wave! Despite imperfections!

We are disgusted and weeping over the Genocide in GAZA, but believe that Muslim Americans will be far worse off under the insanely, immoral Republican party of today-- with the destructive Project 25 and the lunatic Trump as the figurehead of white supremacists, misogynists, billionaire greed mongers and Christofascists, Leonard Leo, Alito, Thomas, Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer, Koch, Jeffrey Yas, Bradley Foundation, Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation, etc. Insane, hateful, greed mongers who do not treasure the Eco-Systems of all life on Mother Earth as the good Bill McKibben does.

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The concerns about President Biden are understandable, but the calls for a replacement are delusional. There seems to be an assumption that whoever is chosen will inherit Biden's support and build on it. But we know better. American voters rejected the best-qualified female candidate ever in Hilary Clinton. Do we really imagine they'll gladly vote for a black woman? Or Gavin Newsom, that sleek pretty boy from the state Americans love to hate? Every touted alternative has similar drawbacks. Like it or not we'll be running this race with the horse we arrived on. Giddy up.

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This horse has been losing in the polls for a year.

Voters have made their desire for a different choice clear, and they've been ignored. Some are turning to 3rd party candidates, many won't vote.

Bill is telling you what he's hearing from the ground. So not only are polls ghastly, but activists are desperate.

Refusing to acknowledge polls or voters brought us Trump in '16. The number of people willing to do the same thing, expecting a different outcome, is beyond belief.

The idea that it would be a chaotic nightmare is absurd. Many 2028 candidates wouldn't want to jump into a 5-month campaign.

This is manageable, but, once again, Pelosi will have to do the heavy lifting.

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Activists need to get over it and pony up! Polls are way overemphasized, just like stumbling words. I don't hear anyone making as much noise about Trump's ongoing mumbling and obvious slipping capacity (from a low point, I might add), or his lying, or his attachment to project 2025. Why? These things are being lost in the whining about Biden reminding us all fo our favorite elder...

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Check out Scott Dworkin's Substack. And share widely. The focus on Trump's unfitness, to put it nicely, must be loud and clear. Leave the President alone GDI.

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I'd listen to Simon Rosenberg for another take on what is happening. I trust him and I trust Biden.

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It's not a matter of trust...it's cold hard numbers that win or lose elections.

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I dare say it is both.

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Go Joe Go !!!!!

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Unsubscribed. What Bill is suggesting here is a panic-driven non-solution. It will throw the Democratic Party into disarray and in-fighting. Democrats can’t even agree on what to order for lunch! And this is at a time when we are more likely to win then we have been for months because the Republican party is in complete disarray Project 2025 is finally getting some mainstream media attention. And sooner or later they are going to have to report about the Epstein files which prominently feature the former president in the role of rapist alongside Jeffrey Epstein of a 13-year-old girl. This is sworn testimony and there is video as well.

I believe this is why Mitt Romney put out his very presidential Fourth of July “greeting to the American people” and why Governor DeSantis of Florida released the Epstein files which incriminate the Donald - because both of them see an opening. So at a time when the Republicans are in total disarray, and Biden has the strong support of the Democratic voter, you propose caving into this corporate media campaign and destroying them momentum that is being built.

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I would encourage Bill to study election history (1968, anyone?) and the byzantine complexities of state electoral rules and procedures. It’s too late for this manufactured, hysterical, ill-conceived proposal to work, which btw ignores the will of millions of Americans who have already cast their ballots in their state primaries. The structural, logistical, and marketing communication disadvantages faced by any “replacement” (if we could even agree on one) would be laughable, while the Biden war chest is not transferable. Meanwhile the Heritage/GOP folks are standing by to mount legal challenges in multiple swing states where changing horses at this late stage may prove to be illegal. Have we already forgotten what happened with the 14th amendment argument? Our esteemed pundits and activists (and I hold Bill in very high esteem) really do need to become better informed about Psy Ops, election history and its legalities before adding gasoline to an already raging fire stoked by ignorance and emotion. If and when, God forbid, Project 2025 is enacted, reckless voices on our side will have helped pave the way. Unsubscribing.

PS We already have an alternate, prepared to hit the ground running should our still highly effective president become incapacitated. Her name is Kamala Harris.

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I’m unsubscribing too….

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Wouldn’t it be a sinister twist of fate if Donald’s syphilis (or whatever) was transmitted from Epstein and his other pleasure seeking accomplices through the little girl?!

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Also, Biden is not a one-armed paper hanger who is going to everything himself. We are voting for an entire administrative team. We need Team Joe. Not Team Mini-Me.

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I strongly disagree with Bill McKibben's view that Biden should step down; this may be the first time I have disagreed with Bill. I am one of those door knocking people and coordinate a state conservation organization. Here is my thinking: it is a good outcome of the debate that people are now talking about Biden's record more than ever. Biden has shown a vigorous and appropriate response to the challenge. Bill, did you really not think Biden's interview with George S. a demonstration of his clear thinking, calm under fire, coherent. You had no comment on those aspects. Why not? And I cannot understand your thinking that Kamala Harris can win over Trump. She lost in the Presidential debates 4 years ago.

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Thanks, and I'm glad to hear you're finding good outcomes when you knock on doors. I was not that impressed with the interview, especially the answer about how he'd feel if he lost. I think it's hard to argue on the one hand that this is an existential election, and that on the other he should be leading the charge. But I too will go on fighting hard to beat Trump

And thanks for your conservation work!

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Please listen to this till the end, Bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9vsivYrC4U

Thanks, Sally

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Many strong Dem voices think Kamala is a good replacement and she’s been getting some good press. Why doesn't it work to strongly support the Biden Harris ticket now and know that if Joe needs to step aside in two more years he has a strong replacement, and our first woman president, of color no less! Yay!! ?? Why would this be such a hard sell?

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This is a really good suggestion on a way to move forward. Hopefully, the sell could be made to enough of the flipflop voters.

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Allan lichtmans 13 keys that predict pres elections and the fact that Kamala coming out on many fronts as the front runner if Biden were to step down made me think this might be the strongest way to go

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I dissent and respectfully unsubscribe. I can get your very informed positions on environmental matters elsewhere. We are out of time for the Democratic food fight that would erupt in the next month and Biden is extraordinarily well backstopped by his team. Nothing I have seen - including that “debate” travesty when he was clearly ill and mumbling - changes my position. Trump is a unique horror and we only get one shot.

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Thank you for having read the newsletter for a while, anyway!

I confess I don't completely get 'unsubscribing' from things you don't 100% agree with, but it's a free country, for the time being anyhow!

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At this point any statement seems worth making since the major media are steamrolling us.

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ok, but this is a free newsletter, not the major media

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still, i guess unsubscribing is a form of nonviolent action against a perceived opponent (me!), so that's kind of cool!

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Paid subscriber here. I get the contradictions in my own response but cannot be part of the pile-on. Thank you for your good work.

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fair enough!

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Thank you Bill for having the courage to call out Biden's insistence about staying in the race as an act of selfishness. Also for having the guts to say that Biden's belief that he alone can do this job is a parallel move to Trump's egoism. I am sure you will be pummeled for these statements but I find them refreshingly insightful and clear-headed. Biden is an Irish fighter, he copes by working harder and getting fiercer. As an Irishman myself I recognize and empathize with the trait. It has served him well over the years, as it has served me. But there are times when this trait blinds one to one's own internal wisdom.

I long for the conversations which could take place if only Biden would push the refresh button. Now we are left only with this stuck record about his age and his ability, while the atrocities happening on the other side of the aisle are overlooked. This isn't Biden's fault but if he stepped down the energy would rise for ideas, policies. New air would blow through this airless political space. Sure it would be messy. But this isn't messy now?

On a much smaller scale I am in touch with a lot of people knocking on doors, and all of them, all of them, think Biden should step down. NOW. And I too am old. I will hit that magic 80 number in 5 months. I've given a lot of thought to ageism as an unfair barrier constructed by society which confines our choices and our images of ourselves. But I also believe that being in denial about one's real limits is a danger all of us must wrestle with. Sometimes we have family and friends who confront us with our limits. It appears to me that Biden's family is not being helpful to him at this moment and those who are calling for him to accept his limits are being seen as disloyal or as someone here has called you, delusional. I believe that it is Biden and his camp who are delusional about the reality of his frailty and the fear that has created in the voters. Delusions operate as ways to stay in denial. So I would add to your evaluation that just as Trump is delusional about his unbridled power and how he would use it, Biden and his family are delusional about his frailty.

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Age is so interesting, becasue we don't usually perceive ourselves, from inside, as all that much older as we used to be. And a youth-oriented society makes it hard for us to make the progression into elders--a crucial, if different, role in a society. we're trying to figure that out at Third Act.

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Elders. As a member of Third Act I have very much appreciated all the elders I have met and worked with in the last two years. Biden's disavowal of his limits has, interestingly, prompted many of us here in Maine TA to have this conversation about both our own limits as well as the strengths and opportunities of Elderhood.

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that makes me happy as can be to hear!

And we had a great TA gathering in the other Portland last night--800 Oregonians in person/online, and a rollicking spirit!

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I have done a certain amount of DEI work and find that ageism is one of, if not the biggest of the discriminated against identity group categories. And I, at age 69, feel pretty in touch with my aging. The ‘downsides’ are what we know, get sleepy at night, feel cognitively declined if I have been traveling, dealing intensely with too many devices, etc, but I have wisdom, experience and judgement like never before. I think Biden has that as well.

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I’m a mere 71 and let me tell everyone that I know and feel only too full well that I am not 21. 31, 41, 51, or even 61 any longer. And I do remember those ages! And I think it a fair exchange between the youthful energies and naivety of earlier days with the accumulated knowledge and occasional insight that I possess today. However, just as I noticed great changes between 61 and 71, I anticipate further changes in the next ten years - when I may have more internal information on what Biden is dealing with. Television is a cruel medium when it comes to displaying anything other than the most conventional niceties. Biden has essentially been lynched - I know a strong word - by the jackals and hyenas of superficiality employed by TV and the media in general. The poor man has stuff to deal with and he’s not being given the courtesy or space to deal with it gracefully. I’m near damn sure that none of us want to grow old on TV!

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Why don’t you just push all republican talking points? You have to know there’s no path for him to step aside even if he was declining, which after the debate you should be able to acknowledge he’s the same. Even if it is what you wanted, Dems can’t get someone on the ballot in 50 states, transfer the funds, or several other key points in winning this race, this race that is much bigger than Biden as a man, but his administration, which is the best hope we have against far right extremism. Maybe think of the harm you might cause for the entire country before you desire a different candidate. If the same thing hadn’t been done to Hillary we’d never be in this mess. And the younger generations are tired of cleaning up your messes

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Thank you for this, Bill... it's an excruciating bind but I agree, he must be persuaded to step down. Great to hear the perspective of on-the-ground folks.

Maybe the Almighty will hear and intervene...

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Please hear this video out to understand that we have no viable person to step in. Gavin and others have no campaign money. Biden has a trusted entourage to work with.


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I was amazed to see the Economist of all magazines do a recent issue totally dedicated to Solar Power growing exponentially around the world! F' the naysayers!

As for Biden - here are some of his amazing accomplishments for those with a short term memory - in a polarized country no less! He has strong smart women - his wife and VP and a great administration to help run the country. Too much is at stake to let the traitor crook win! Don't be part of those sowing doubt Bill! Surreal - get in touch with your common sense!

Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems.

Helped get more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan.

Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health.

Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan.

Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans who make under $125,000 a year.

Cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan.

Capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Passed the COVID-19 relief deal that provided payments of up to $1,400 to many struggling U.S. citizens while supporting renters and increasing unemployment benefits.

Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket.

Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring that they pay their fair share, as part of the historic Inflation Reduction Act.

Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement.

Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland.

Authorized the assassination of the Al Qaeda terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became head of the organization after the death of Osama bin Laden.

Gave Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act while also reducing government health spending.

Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions.

Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue.

Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history.

Reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year as part of the American Rescue Plan.

Signed the PACT Act to address service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins.

Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation.

Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027.

Halted all federal executions after the previous administrat

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Sorry, but a presidential campaign isn’t Fantasy Football. I have yet to see a plausible scenario in which, over the 122 days between now and Nov. 5, the Democrats:

- overturn the will of the 87% of Democratic primary voters who voted for Biden/Harris by pushing Biden to step down and passing over VP Harris, who has served her role very well;

- alienate a sizable portion of their base - Black voters - by pushing VP Harris aside in favor of a white man or woman (and no, Michelle Obama won’t run);

- settle on a consensus candidate who enjoys broad support and wide enough name recognition to challenge Trump effectively;

- put forward an alternative candidate who doesn’t get dragged immediately and incessantly by media nonsense;

- avoid a chaotic shit-show at their National Convention in Chicago, echoing their disastrous 1968 Chicago convention that enabled Richard Nixon to edge out Hubert Humphrey in the general election;

- avoid an endless stream of predictable media hyperventilating about “Dems in Disarray;” just when the media spotlight should be focused on the GOP’s felonious rapist, racist, insurrectionist, incompetent, incoherent, and demented candidate AND the MAGA’s radical Nazi Handbook, “Project 2025;”

- overcome hostile Republican Secretaries of State in many states who will resist or block adding a different Democratic candidate to their ballot (the radical MAGAs at the Heritage Foundation are already mobilizing to thwart a new candidate being added to ballots in several battleground states);

- develop an winning messaging strategy around a new candidate and create and place effective ads in key markets;

- stand up anywhere near the hundreds of campaign offices and thousands of staffers that Biden already has in place around the nation - especially in battleground states - to mobilize the high turnout it will take to win;

- raise enough money to amass a sufficient war chest to fund all of the above, as Biden’s campaign funds don’t just go to the Dems hand-picked alternative.

Moreover, early voting in many states starts as far ahead as 46 days before Nov. 5, i.e., late September. So right now there are less than 80 days in some places to accomplish all of the above.

Enough with the bedwetting, hand-wringing, and Fantasy Footballing. WE ARE THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE. Now is the time to get off our asses and put down our devices and the TV remote. The best thing we can do now to defend democracy and protect a livable climate is to mobilize our fair-minded family, friends, and neighbors to work with their local Democratic party to defeat against a nakedly fascist GOP at all levels. We have to vote blue up and down the ballot, and win across the board so that a President Biden can have a Democratically-controlled Congress to begin unraveling the epic destruction wrought by a delegitimized Supreme Court dominated by an anti-democratic majority appointed mostly by presidents who had lost the popular vote (i.e., George W. Bush and Trump), with at least two “Justices” installed by Christofascist GOP maneuvering.

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That is an intelligently detailed argument in favor of staying on the path we have instead of charging off into uncharted wilderness. (Thanks to Joyce Wycoff for the path metaphor.)

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Bill - I’m surprised to see so many replies failed to understand your persuasive and well reasoned post. It’s not too late for Biden and those around him to do the right thing and withdraw. The pressure is growing. The sooner the better.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Biden is not a single person doing all the things. He is the very competent manager of a fantastic, highly skilled team of people doing the day-to-day work. He knows how policy gets made, and he imparts that info to the people who do the leg work.

I am sick to death of the pearl clutching and hand-wringing about him. Even if the absolute worst were to happen and he didn't finish his term, his VP is a brilliant and highly capable woman who will carry on the job of governing without a hitch.

We know Joe is capable of the job, because he is, and has been, doing the job. And I can say that with 100% conviction. He has brilliantly outmaneuvered the Supreme Court's attempted road blocks, from negotiation of drug prices to eliminating student debt for thousands of people.

There is a LOT more to the role of President than going on TV to be blathered at by a lying psychopath, while moderators do nothing. Biden has shown that he is absolutely, 100% capable of performing his duties.

Just stop this nonsense.

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I think a percentage of the comments come from a perspective of trying to downcast: will Americans vote for Biden despite his increasing age-related problems. The other (or another) perspective is trying to estimate whether his accomplishments, strong team, global impact, strong economy etc. are more than the man himself and are in fact our democracy’s defense against autocracy and project 2025. Do we always vote just for the person? Do we not have a deeper trust in our institutions, guardrails, and the thousands who work in any successful administration? Ie. The current administration…

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Elections are fundamentally popularity contests in which the more charismatic, overconfident, and aggressive candidates tend to win. Study after study shows this. In a contest that will be decided by just a handful of voters in a few states, then, it’s crucial to not hurt your chances by fielding a poor performer. Americans have been begging the parties to spare us a rematch of Trump and Biden for months and months. Democrats should listen. The leadership all admits in private that Biden is a poor candidate now. But they have no courage to force him out.

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First sentence “forecast” not “downcast”. Thank you NOT, Apple spelling corrector…

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