Wow, awesome! Biden comes through again - now it's our turn to rally behind him!

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This is simply fabulous! While you are sipping that beer 🍺, please check the cases heard by the SCOTUS last week I believe that would ELIMINATE COMPLETELY THE EPA AND OTHER AGENCIES needed to confirm my initial joy in this report. They were leaning toward eliminating the agencies that protect us using if I recall (I posted a note on it inaccessible in this moment) the precedent, the Chevron Deference. Cannot recall case opponents but the outcome was extremely dangerous. It has been heard but decision not yet rendered I believe. Please check my notes, my system cannot do both at the same time. I did a restack on top of another article but it should appear in my own posts.

I have my fingers crossed and beer ready. Surely SCOTUS would have to rethink testimony heard and implications.


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Yep Yep and Yep

Don't want to be the spoiler, but ........

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I see my response to SCOTUS in notes stacked on top of article by Thom Hartmann on nanoplastics, 5 days ago.

Where I found the information is an enigma just now as I can go through so many sources on Substack and other news. I am a voracious reader, not always the most tech savvy. Hope you can find it. Sorry I am not better at this.

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Your tireless effort is deeply appreciated, and no matter what we do, "THEY" will continue to put obstacles specifically in the most utilized portions of the payh we take to have our Voices heard! That's why, in my mind, the best way for us to fight back is to, as a nation of consumers, unify in the boycotting of their products and advertizing.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Thank you, Rain. Would that invalidate the LNG good news, do you think?

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Jan 25, 2024
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It seems if the leases were not granted, they would need no oversight. Right? Maybe 😊 again?

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Jan 26, 2024
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Rallying, Sir!

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Uh, this will increase carbon emissions as China and India burn more coal. This LNG export ban is insane if reducing carbon emissions is your priority. Now if keeping natural gas prices low for Americans and not selling China cheap natural gas is your priority then this pause makes perfect sense.

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Well, that's awesome. (I see John Podesta's name in there again. Man, whichever one of his grandkids got that guy to care about climate deserves a Nobel. Podesta is the sort of old-school old guy government power broker that Biden actually listens to.)

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Biden has been unquestionably the single most active, effective, and dedicated U.S. President on climate issues and the clean energy transition in history.

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He's good on almost everything. Best pres of my lifetime! Which began during the first summer of the Eisenhower Administration!

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As you may have noticed, Biden is not so great on foreign policy. Younger voters are quite aware of his recent, ongoing foreign policy blunder in the Middle East. Maybe stopping CP2 will help counteract that.

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Being president is having to drink through a firehose. Yeah, he needs to quit supporting NotYetYouYahoo. But he's been doing so well on so much else. And I don't think one can generalize from Israel to the rest of foreign policy. He's been doing well on the vast majority of it.

And one must remember he's doing all he's doing despite having the barest majority in the Senate, and a minority in the House.

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He’s not doing so well with Gaza or “rest of foreign policy” ! He’s doing or enabling (paying for) some of the most reckless civilian bombing all over the Middle East ! ??? we need an immediate cease fire everywhere. We need some rudimentary forms of wise and compassionate diplomacy. It takes my breath away to realize how quick and offhand he is (or “they” are) in resorting to scattered world wide violence in highly congested, civilian and politically sensitive geographic areas! Apparently he thinks nothing of 30k children, newborns (0 years old) women and elderly innocents obliterated along with their housing, schools, orchards, farms and shops but an increase in the price of transporting our overstuffed gloat of “goods” warrants risking an immediate world war!!!? I think we are dangerously degenerating into a greedy, mindless, violent sub”civilization” ! Our idiotic stupidity will put an end to voting along with any resemblance of truly human existence!

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I feel there's a needless readiness to sacrifice one set of victims, the Gazans, to save a larger set of victims, namely the entire planet's ecology. This has some resemblance to the 1938 Munich agreement to sacrifice Czechoslovakia to Hitler to save world peace from a new world war. I think the temptation to sacrifice some good thing for another is an instinct without much reality. If the democracies hadn't kowtowed to Hitler, top German generals' plot to kill him to avoid losing world peace, would probably have happened. Now, Biden's kowtowing to Netanyahu, kills.

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I was devastated when Al Gore was not allowed to serve as our first environmental president. Figured that was the only chance I was going to get in my lifetime to have the long-awaited pleasure of having a president who "got it". Bless Joe Biden's Irish heart!

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Email in thanks to President Joe! He needs to hear he did the right thing and we're grateful.

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Absolutely! Very important for us all to pile in to this to make sure they go through with it and extend it to the rest. This is HUGE ... and fragile and could still be reversed. Let's all write in and thank him and encourage them to see this all the way through.

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Super news! Thank you for your work!

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This is awesome!

Now if he stops American aggression in the Middle East, and stops vetoing a ceasefire for Gaza, he might just get enough votes to beat Trump.

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This is fantastic, and we have to keep the pressure on. There will be plenty pushing back.

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OMG. I was all set for my first arrest. Waiting in the wings if needed. Third Act is a community that gets it done! With a grateful heart and evermore hope...

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thank you so much. and i think there will be fights ahead!

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Ready & willing...

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Don't worry. Historically, you'll be in very good company.

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I was just about to book my Amtrak ticket to DC when I read this, lol. Happy to show up for the fights ahead, but also happy to stay in NYC on Feb 6 after all.

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Please don't cancel the protest! Turn it into a huge RALLY. We need to celebrate in public, every win we get.

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Kathy, see my reply to yours in my 9:30am comment 🤩👍🙏💚

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Change the focus of the demonstrations in DC from LNG to stopping endless war. Before we can begin world-wide changes needed to arrest global warming, we need regional cooperation as a core component for success. Those regions with on-going conflicts need to halt them, temporarily for the next 10 years, so we can clean up more than battle fields and cities and figure out how to work for common good for all people involved. Then let the people vote for who they want as their government leaders - I hope they pick the ones best at diplomacy and green development. The rest is irrelevant to most people's lives and futures.

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This makes sense. But things, BEYOND SENSE, can be needed. I suggest 3 not-so-sensible levels of world-saving -- level one, save animals and the homeless and the starving , etc. Then, simply THINK of level three which probably needs not-so-sensible ancient religions to agree on some mix of birth control and celibacy to stop humans over-running the planet. And for now, focus massively on using modern not-so-sensible rescue capacities of Earthlings' multiplicity of flying machines, as for airlift for Gaza, a "No Fly Zone" for Gaza, same for any other victims of excess warring as Putin's victims or Ethiopia's victims, etc. -- do this level two (air rescuing) and then level one (charity) and level three (ecology) may easily happen. Fail to do the not-so-sensible, partway violent airborne multi rescues, and I don't see us saving the planet climate or the elephants or possible victims of the next 9/11-inflicting, A.I.-fiercened world suicidal-ness. Strange how the planet's first organism able to block an asteroid, is currently being the asteroid. ourselves.

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I think it was very politically savy to plan the rally in DC in February. By Biden's decision to stop this project NOW, he can avoid that bad press and engender alot of hope among activist who will fight all the harder to get out the Environmental Vote for President Biden. I surely will. (plus he's saved us from having to sleep on the top bunkbeds).

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This is a good sign! ✌🏼

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Hurrah & Hallelujah! Real action against a fossil fuel future!

Bill, taught us all about LNG & together we made a difference!

Now to make sure of a BIDEN WIN…to see it through!

WOW !Thank you Bill, Ben, & JOE!

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The community gets things done. People work harder, better, when they work together for a common goal.

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This is awesome. Thank you for your relentless efforts, Bill and so many others. Now we need to get Biden elected and counter the disinformation. The technologies we have and those being created today will save us. We just need to keep nurturing them, and we can’t do that with a fascist government in power.

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Great news and a breath of fresh air. I presume the industry will retaliate when election day comes around. The primary power is money as we all know by now. Still a critical and necessary statement and move but power is power is power. Such a double edged sword.

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yep. if trump or haley wins, this means nothing

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Their chances are decreasing--Trump's in no small part because his dementia is becoming noticeably worse.

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I think Haley could mean a lot. I like how her tone of speech is like a kindergarten teacher talking to we, the life-forms, who Carl Sagan called the "quarrelsome" residents of Planet Earth.

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