Nov 18, 2023Liked by Bill McKibben

I got caught up in the momentum of the young revolution of the sixties. A friend invited me to a 'meeting' on Atherton Street down a stone stairway to a Rathskeller at Penn State University. It was twelve at night and only candles on the small tables passed for light. That was the night that I dedicated myself to the principles of SDS. I've been watching with high anticipation for a youth movement on the fossil fuel industry that has the same energy that I felt during a somewhat remarkable time of in-your-face revolt. I hope this is it!

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And what a great idea to send in a hand-written letter—putting that on my list for Thanksgiving week! I mean how can I not, I just extolled the virtues of personal correspondence in my own Substack (https://cacaomuse.substack.com/p/letter1-my-cacao-origin-story)

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At the end of the day, I've written the letter to DOE, but my voting behavior is off the table. Given the alternative, CP2, Willow, et.al. could never convince me to do anything except vote Democratic. And it is frankly depressing to consider that there are many for whom that might not be the case. The horrific results of 2016 came about -- probably -- on just such. I dearly hope these campaigns do not contribute to another such catastrophe in '24, of people too principled to make a difficult choice.

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TikTok and the CCP are so great! We should do everything they say to destroy American energy independence and depend on their slave labor for rare earths and manufacturing.

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Thank you, Bill, may your mind remain sharp and your pen handy! I'm getting out my pen after reading this helpful directive from you. Onward!

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Pumping fists for the young people of TikTok! Also want to mention Climate Defiance, who are crushing it—they get right up on stage and in the faces of the weak-spined bureaucrats: https://www.climatedefiance.org/

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Thank you Mr. McKibben for a great article and so much crucial information... I wrote a piece about climate activism and current events on my own Substack page; thank you so much for inspiring me and providing these resources.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

Do you know what the timeline is for decisions on the LNG export licenses? How long do we have to organize letters, the petition and any other pressure?

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

Could you imagine what the West would be saying right now about Putin if the Russians bombed Ukrainian civilians mercilessly for a month and a half and totally destroyed hospitals, killing doctors, patients, children, women, press and UN workers? By defending Israel Biden has made it much more likely Trump will win.

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I deeply appreciate your research and thoughts and writings. I find myself toggling between despair (we hit 2 degrees! LNG exports could wipe out our gains since 2005) and elation (renewables costs plummeting!, Biden & Xi agreeing on climate commitments !). There is much reason for both despair and elation. Let's use them both to keep us acting as if we can create a positive future. I'm goosing my network and put together a website (leaning very heavily on Bill's analyses) to explain the LNG issue and promote the petition and letter writing https://www.climateaction.center/stop-the-lng-climate-bomb

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I'm upset about the arrogant and insane 100+ billion spent by Exxon and Chevron on natural gas/petrol investments recently. I watched a well done little film last night on Netflix about Mr Rustin, main organizer of the now legendary Civil Rights March on Washington DC where MLK gave his famous 'I have a Dream' speech. I think you could relate to it Bill because of your 360.org organizing the big Climate Action March in NYC and around the world back in 2018 and others in the past and even more recently. I thought with all the extreme weather disasters and hottest temps ever recorded in the past few years - the urgency would be bigger than it is and citizens would be more pro-active in demanding an end to fossil fuels. You see it with young peoples around the world but hardly anything with adults. It seems insanity fed by apathy is the new normal.

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Looking forward to your long distance reporting on COP 28!

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I love the work you do, Bill Mckibben, but your comment about X/twitter becoming an "anti-semitic playground" jumped out at me. What evidence do you have for that? Why would you drop that into this valuable plea regarding our global environment?

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TokTok is undoubtedly a good tool for mobilizing outrage to fuel protest politics.

Will that result in a new global energy economy purpose-built for habitat security and social equity?

An alternative worth considering: Advisory Trials before Citizen Juries of Fiduciary Faithfulness by Pensions & Endowments in the prudent exercise of plenary powers of discretionary authority over tens of trillions of society's shared savings aggregated, collectively, worldwide, into social superfunds for the social purpose of provision Workplace Pensions and Civil Society Endowments as "forever" machines.

Imagine a complaint being filed alleging that Pensions & Endowments have the power to finance the acquisition of hydrocarbons companies out of public markets ownership, placing them, instead into fiduciary stewardship, where they can be direct to become, and supported in being participations in the rapid reconfiguration of the global energy technologies portfolio, adding new energy technologies that will not geoengineer habitats on earth that humans cannot inhabit, so that we can delete energy extraction from hydrocarbons that is geonengineering habitats on earth that we humans will not be able to live in.

Some questions for the citizens sitting in the jury:

Do Pensions & Endowments, in fact, have such power?

If they have it, should they be using it?

If they do have it, and are not using it, does that put them in breach of their fiduciary duties?

If they are in breach, what is the remedy?

Imagine these juries being held in communities all across the country, and around the world.

Imagine a new solutions journalism reporting on these diverse proceedings, to include a wider population in the deliberations, through a new global conversation at the vanguard of a new global public discourse.

Imagine how Pensions & Endowments might react to such public criticism of their fiduciary faithlessness in not doing all they can to ensure habitat security in the future for their promises, and in consequence, for all of humanity, as well.

To learn more, consider zooming in to the December Knowledge Session from Legal Voices for the Future: Is Growth Fiduciary? It's free.

Details are here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/is-growth-fiduciary-tickets-750796541667?aff=oddtdtcreator

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