Beautifully chronicled, the results of our addiction to fossil fuels, the opioid of energy dependence.

Thank you Bill.

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Incredibly thoughtful and moving piece. Thank you

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Re fossil fuel research, what about research trying to cap methane leaks more effectively?

Barbara Tinker

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Thank so much Bill, you are always teaching us the rest of the story outside the US

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Several solutions to get more rain and water in the right places:

1. Less men (men caused most of the global warming)

2. Less beautiful women (ugly women don’t attract horny men)

3. Less kids 1 + 2 = 3

4. Less people is needed for less global warming

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My go-to for clear environmental comment. Top form as usual.

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thank you. I read every dispatch and share them.

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Thank you very much for this article today!

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Bill, you make excellent evidence-based points but risk distancing some of your current readers, and repelling other potential followers, with acronyms you don't define: VPP - I have no idea; LPG, I know but I suspect other readers. Also the short bullets leave this reader wondering, So? .... I understand the urgency of the 'fight' and the importance of recruiting more troops from among the dispassionate and complacent, but to do so I urge a bit more informational and clarity in this messaging. Perhaps a bit more journalistic approach would help. Look at Margaret Sullivan's "swan song" piece in today's 8/22/2022 WashPost on 'context' and 'framing' of messaging, particularly this upcoming electoral season. PEC

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A fascinating global review of the ongoing climate crisis and its endless consequences. Glad to read that UK universities may divest from fossil fuel research grants. It’s definitely the right thing to do!

It’s mind numbing to read of the inertia and incompetence plaguing so many (most) countries when it comes to climate action, so often climate inaction. But a ray of hope for Puerto Rico…let’s hope that their solar panels can be united to form a reliable electric grid!

Thank you, Bill and team, for your unrelenting and rigorous reporting.

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