Bill, it feels like The John Birch Society has taken over the Supreme Court with the government in the balance. What do we do now? 350 Sonoma is working on localizing food production/soil regeneration/community support network. I send you love and a heartful of gratitude for all that you have done and are trying to do. It keeps me going. Anna

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thanks friend--we keep pushing in all the ways we can!

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I don't want to heart this. But... >heart< The image of people fleeing floods in Bangladesh reminds me how very little any Western reader has a clue about the climate impacts that poor nations suffer. The reams of data on the imbalance of climate impacts says all the same thing--the climate destroyers will be the last ones to feel the impact. And you don't act until you feel the impact. That is for me one of the most worrying dynamics. That said, your list of climate news at the end was really hopeful! SCOTUS is a disaster, but I remain hopeful that sub-national actors (state & local govts and the private sector) will understand that preserving local life and business means taking action on climate change, regardless of the buffoonery of leglislation or lack of it.

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Can't wait to see how the fight against climate change is affected by these gas prices...And thank you immensely for this piece, Bill. I was aware of the Roe V. Wade decision but not about the West Virginia one. I remember reading about environmental disaster in Hocus Pocus so many years ago, and I cannot believe nothing has been done since...

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To the news about Germany's potential Lehman Brothers moment: sounds like Europe needs MEETS more than ever right now. Why is the climate activism space not talking more about energy efficiency as a service as a response to the war in Ukraine? It's so clearly the moment in history for this transaction structure, and I feel like I'm going crazy with every MSM article I read saying how bad energy markets in Europe have gotten, but then never mentioning any attention being paid to this solution.


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What can we do? I feel like we’ve been watching this unfold for 25 years and the greedy, stupid, yes deplorable people relish the destruction.

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