"We" didn't prefer Reagan to Carter -- some of us did, okay, but many of us did not. Some of us even took the warnings of the 70s and postponed driving for another two or three decades. I really have a hard time with this great American "we" that so often does not speak for so many of us, even sometimes for most of us (for example, "we" did NOT elect Donald Trump -- the non-representative electoral college did).

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Thank you for a great and eloquent (and sad) newsletter today, Bill! 2 More 'car facts' for your readers: 1- An early (1960-ies) design + patent for an electric car was bought by a large car maker - just so they could lock it away + not threaten their business.

2- Train tracks were ripped out + used for highways, so that commuters had no choice but to travel by car. (Yes, I do not have all the names ready - search + you will find it)

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Another piece is being in dread of the car repair you can barely afford, if at all. For people of low to moderate income living in situations where transit is impractical, if available at all, this becomes an existential crisis. Liberation my ass.

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Very good 😊

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Now I'm curious how Carter ever got elected in the first place. Way too honest and wise for the job.

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Thanks Bill, really interesting. I was before driving (and voting) age for all of Carter's and most of Reagan's presidency. I remember Reagan for "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this Wall", which he spoke the year I got my driver's license. Within a few years I was living abroad, and in the 90s I would work in advertising in Warsaw and be part of spreading consumerism to Eastern Europe. The consequences of that at the time were fully lost on me--I was thrilled the world had opened. Yes the car (and Reagan) brought sprawl, but he also globalization, which has shortened cultural distances between many of us. Globalization has also brought gross inequality and accelerated "fast" consumption, but I have faith we will retain the good and reject the bad. (Apologies for the length!)

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Breathtaking chapters!!

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